So enjoyable to be allowed a glimpse at all the different Prues! And, I might add, even at your most 'casual' I see evidence of lipstick AND eyeliner! I always put mine on too - even in the garden - as I just feel more "together" that way. I think you are rocking that back brace incidentally which I actually thought *was* a very cool belt lol. Love the leopard pumps. You even manage to look elegant amongst the possibility of sheep poo! No small feat. Thanks as always, you got the tempo just right.

P.S. Love Michael Parkinson, I had quite forgotten about him.

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Always, lippy, Sue and being a natural blonde and with palest eyebrows and eyelashes and if I don't want to look like an albino, I do rather like eyebrow pencil and mascara!

That back brace has been quite a help to the lower spine although my glutes need full body armour I think. My husband's now wearuing a brace as well. It's just that extra bit of support as the bodies age.

Don't get me started on age-ing. We'll be here all day!


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Hi Prue - since I retired, my wardrobe is predominantly yoga pants and tee-shirts. I love the comfort of stretch clothing and not having to dress up for work. I can totally relate to appropriate clothes for the task at hand - and the occasional dress-up for a fancier occasion (of which there seems to be fewer and fewer as time goes by). I love my casual, simple, unfussy life, and fashion bloggers aren't even on my radar - they all seem to always be "throwing on a jacket" and I can't remember the last time I wore one - so I just do "me" and l'm happy.

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Yes, beyond a certain age, its nice to please oneself. I always think of the colourful and highly individual Iris Apfel who always said just be yourself. In other words - be authentic.

As you can see, I like those four bloggers. It's nice to dream, like reading a top notch fashion mag but better, with less affectation.

One is a former secondary English teacher and often devotes an entire blog to books. Another has had breast cancer and offers salient comments about her current lifestyle in relationship to that experience. Another is an interior stylist and offers a wide variety of subjects across her blog. My impression is that they're all lovely women.

Here in Tassie, one often has to 'throw on a jacket', but I'm not sure it's the kidn of jacket that would pass inspection. We're having the worst spring in living memory - galeforce winds, and a polar blast for the last almost month. I have learned to love my puffer jackets, parkas and raincoats with a passion!

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You have a way of looking put together in every situation, Prue, and though you write of it often, the anxious you never comes through in photos. Working from home has not done my clothing choices any favors, but I throw a scarf around my neck and an oversized shirt over leggings and call it good enough! Let's trust that the ouchy-achey bits will get themselves sorted out before summer!

Well done on your heron. He's wonderful!

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Working from home is fabulous. I remember once Covid hit I learned so many lessons. Not least of which was that I could do without and that a 'home' lifestyle and clothing was the bees' knees.

Yes, the achey bits are on notice! Trust me!

Guess what? I met a Luther today! He was on the back of a ride-on mower. I immediately thought of you!

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5 hrs agoLiked by prue batten

I've just booked in for the Look Good Feel Better workshop here in Mandurah for next month. After having to cancel last one due to being too ill and in hospital. Im so looking forward to it. Its volunteers like yourself that makes these things so special. Thank-you so much.

And I must say all your outfits are very stylish no matter what you are doing :)

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Maree, I'm delighted you've signed up. I do hope you get as much out of the programme as I've seen others get. I learned the other day that there are now workshops for men which I think is fabulous as they're just as prone to the same loss of confidence and self-belief as they work their way through illness and treatment.

Thank you for the stylish bit. I feel as if, since I reached my 70's, that fashion and I have parted company. Take care. Thinking of you....

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When I was head of computing in various jobs I hated being served by people wearing tee shirts. I thought that if I'm going to be spending £100k i want to be seen to by someone who looks professional. All your outfits are appropriate for the purpose and occasion. I think the predilection these days for ALWAYS looking casual is a great shame: very self-indulgent and showing no respect for others, as well as a complete lack of judgement. Great post, very thought-provoking

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Thank you, Terry. I probably should have/could have gone into the subject matter more deeply - there's so much that matters in the concept of clothing.

It's interesting that charities have formed globally to find good second clothes to then give to women, along with advice on presentation (inc CV's) to enable them to find suitable employment and get them out of the poverty cycle.

I think clothing is more important than so many folk think. Let's face it, it's the first thing people see when they meet you for the first time - a judgement, rightly or wrongly, will be made until people have a chance to get to know you better. There's truth in that old adage - 'First Impressions...'

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Hi Prue. Firstly, you look fantastic in whatever outfit you wear and can carry any look off. Very elegant when in your finery! I love dressing up and as a legal secretary, office wear comes naturally. These days people don’t tend to dress up anymore only for certain occasion and that saddens me. I jump at any opportunity to don my glad rags! I also follow Susan over sixty who is also a very glamorous lady. I think in choosing your topic this week you have focused attention on how we look and the adage of look good feel good is so true - if I look smart and my hair looks good then I feel on top of the world. Thank you for another thought provoking piece - I’m off to pack for a week away in Harrowgate (UK) and will choose my outfits more carefully now! Love your song of the week too! Very apt for you.

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Are you off to Harrogate Literary Festival? If you are, envy pure and simple. Quite a few friends and heroes will be there. You lucky lady! We miss out on a lot of these wonderful writing festivals here in Australia.

Susan After Sixty is tried and true, isn't she? Husband and self are trying so hard to follow her eating plan and failing at every hurdle. The loss of sugar in our diets on the really active days is making us both feel very shaky.

Hair is number one for me - if its okay, I'm okay. Even in hospital, as long as it could be tied neatly back I felt I was on a winning streak.

Have fun at Harrogate. I hope you blog about it.

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No, sadly not - that’s in October- but next year, hopefully I might be able to attend as an author! My cosy crime novel is published on Monday so I will look into how to go about promoting my book. I will definitely blog about Harrogate as I have never been there and am looking forward to exploring the area. The fact that my visit coincides with publication week is exciting and is a much needed break.

Hats off to you both for trying Susan’s healthy eating habits - you all look fabulous on it!

Watch out for lots of news on my book release!

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Will do. I'm guessing the publishers came through. Hoorah! Good luck on the launch!

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