Prue, I am deeply soothed, inspired, contemplative and grateful. What a wonderful read. Sad about the ticks, sorry for your too much time in the city, sharing in your disappointment about the espresso brownies!

Tristan Gooley’s latest book is on my list, too. He’s fascinating - the self-titled ‘natural navigator’ - and there’s a lot I could do with learning from him!

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Thanks Rebecca. Re the ticks - the vet thinks they're paralysis ticks so the terrier is still on watch and wait, but seriously, he's like a box of jumping beans still, so I think he might be okay.

I find it fascinating that since the outbreak of Covid, there have been a plethora (I mean that in the nicest possible way) of books on being amongst nature. And I found a news story on the medical benefits of being prescribed 'nature' and bookmarked it. It just makes so much simple sense and costs the patient far less money. https://www.rspb.org.uk/natureprescriptions#:~:text=So%2C%20what%20is%20a%20Nature,continues%20to%20expand%20in%20Scotland.

Have a great weekend.

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Gosh, that's a worry, but it sounds as if he's doing okay. Fingers crossed that all stays well.

Thank you so much for the link - what a brilliant idea! 😊

Enjoy your weekend too - it started chilly here this morning, but it's now a very warm and sunny afternoon. I'm hoping that the ground has dried out sufficiently for me to cut the grass at last - it's a jungle out there.....!

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My husband sympathises. He was mowing thick grass yesterday. His phone read 11,000 steps at the end.

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Golly, that's quite some effort! Today's the day for our lawn... I can't continue to make excuses! It won't take anything like 11,000 steps, though, which is quite a relief! Hope your husband isn't too shattered... 😰

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Lovely first read of the morning. Thank you. Do you have Lymes disease where you are? Hope your fur baby is fine. 🙏 Enjoy the beach.

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Thank you. And yes, we do have Lymes Disease - we humans have to watch for it. With the dog, the paralysis tick-poison causes lethargy and vomiting and then their rear legs begin to fail and their bark changes and finally it attacks everything. We're up to Day Three today so I'm hoping like crazy that we've escaped unscathed.

The beach is positively tantalising on this blue forever day but I must do my garden first.

Take care...

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Such a lovely post and so glad to hear your ear surgery was successful in all ways. Hopefully, the good health reports extend to your furbaby. Time spent outdoors in nature is always healing and I need to do more of it. Thanks for the encouragement!

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Oh thank YOU for your compliments.

And yes, time outdoors! Today I'm into the veggie plot to plant garlic, potatoes and broadbeans (favabeans). It's another endlessly blue day filled with possibilities.

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