This American has always been an Anglophile. Loved Princess Di and cried when she died. King Charles has truly come into his own. I’ve come to admire him. Not sure I will stay up for the coronation. I will eagerly watch highlights this weekend.

I miss Uhtred already. I follow Alexander Dramon on IG. I’m a fan. What can I say?

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The ending was quite emotional., wasn't it? I suspect the pain on Dramon's face was not entirely acted. It was a stupendous series coming to a close and many friends made.

I too was immeasurably sad when Princess Diana died - we all were, I think.

But I have watched Charles blossom with Camilla at his side and she seems a level, very intelligent and humorous person. Given the pressure of modern monarchy, I suspect she might be just the support he needs.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this post, Prue, especially reading about your fondness for the royal family. I've made both coronation chicken and my version of the palace's recipe for coronation quiche (crustless, in my case - and I spent ages popping the broad beans out of their tough skins, because I could only find frozen ones...!). Yours looks delicious - I bet that fennel will knock it out of the park!

Glad to hear that the terrier is flourishing. Phew!

Have a fantastic weekend. 😁

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Popping the broadbeans is so tiresome but so worth it, isn't it? And what a good idea making it crustless - might try that next time.

The biscuit cake is honestly the star of the show though - I've never iced it before and it's supposed to have a chocolate ganache but the cake is sooooo rich that I couldn't bring myself to put the ganache on. Plain butter icing for us...

Yes, I'm an unashamed monarchist. The thought of a republican head of state terrifies me - I look around the world at politically appointed heads and I shudder with dismay and foreboding. I suspect that ultimately Australia will head down this road but I do hope we never lose our connection with the Commonwealth. In the taut world in which we live, something like the Commonwealth has a real purpose.

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I was so interested yesterday to hear some interviews on the news with people from other countries - including Australia - for whom King Charles is monarch, and their feelings about him versus an elected head of state. Here in UK I can't ever imagine anything else, and I'm a huge supporter of the monarchy. I love the royal family.

As well as not making pastry I added more eggs to the quiche mix, and used a tub of cream cheese instead of the milk and cream. I often make quiche*, and so I just 'coronationed' my usual recipe to include the ingredients suggested by the palace. I've called it 'Quoroniche'!

I've heard great things about chocolate biscuit cake, which was always Prince William's favourite! We used to make something like it when I was little.

*I wrote about my quiche in this post - https://rebeccaholden.substack.com/p/22-the-best-bite - there's a recipe of sorts, at the bottom!

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Shall trot over and read the recipe (and probably copy!)

In Australia, there are differing views on the monarchy and as much as the media will tell you is split on certain age lines or party and multi-cultural lines, it's not. There are many folk of all ages, cultures and political persuasions who have opinions at variance with common perception.

An elected head of state is terrifying.

It will be an interesting few years. I suspect we are in for great change - gulp.

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May 6, 2023Liked by prue batten

Dear Prue, I'm up and ready this morning to watch the Coronation, I'm so excited to be able to watch this special occasion. I do agree we do do pomp and ceremony like no one else can do, it something we Brits do very well,along with members of the commonwealth armies . I thought about you when I was watching a program on TV the other night, BBC all about the making of the ceremonial costumes it was really interesting . It must be amazing to be in the crowds, but its also nice to get a ringside view watching it all on the TV. Its most certainly a day of history. we've a nice lunch prepper and a special dinner all ready too so its a day of watching tv and reflecting on what we see I think Charles will be good King with Camilla by his side

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Oh Libby - I love hearing from my English friends about how their day is unfolding.

It would be wonderful to be in the UK just for the vibe. But I do agree with you - TV, comfort and fly on the wall is the way to go.

Hope you and Jeff have a wonderful celebratory day. XXXX

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Dear Prue, I'm up and ready this morning to watch the Coronation, I'm so excited to be able to watch this special occasion. I do agree we do do pomp and ceremony like no one else can do, it something we Brits do very well,along with members of the commonwealth armies . I thought about you when I was watching a program on TV the other night, BBC all about the making of the ceremonial costumes it was really interesting . It must be amazing to be in the crowds, but its also nice to get a ringside view watching it all on the TV. Its most certainly a day of history. we've a nice lunch prepper and a special dinner all ready too so its a day of watching tv and reflecting on what we see I think Charles will be good King with Camilla by his side

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May 6, 2023Liked by prue batten

Oh heck not sure why it posted twice, I don't want to delete one post in case they both go, sorry :)

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May 6, 2023Liked by prue batten

It's also lovely to think that many of my friends overseas will also be watching along with us. Xx

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May 6, 2023Liked by prue batten

The programme was called Coronation Tailors if you get a chance to see it, its very good . What a wonderful Coronation day to watch

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I'll try and find it, Libby. Thank you.

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Great fun reading about your Coronation Day doings! I savored the BBC & Sky News replays on YouTube all weekend. The sense of history and timelessness in the church service and processions is amazing.

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Thank you, Erin and thank you so much for subscribing.

The Coronation was utterly awesome for a lover of history. And that music! It sent shivers down my spine. The sight of the Augustine Gospels, dating from the 6 th century, was one of those time-stopping moments.

A once-in-a-lifetime occasion...

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I completely agree! I hope someone makes a compilation of all the music, it transported me back in time and really did lift my thoughts to goodness and hope.

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