Wonderful read! I would love to see what your terrier looks like! (I have a Border Terrier-ist of my own haha!) And, had to look up "fossick" and in future, will use as much as possible ...

Thank you and cheers xo

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Lovely to have you on board!

I LOVE Border Terrier (ists haha). So handsome.

JRT's of course are terrorists as well - mine has PTSD (from being attacked x3 as a puppy), ADHD (but doesn't every terrier?), phobias a mile long (why not? Life would be so boringly straightforward otherwise) but I love him to pieces. And I do find that CBD Oil helps as a calmative. For him, not me, although on some terrier-days I'm tempted to swig the lot!

Like you, I love finding new words - the latest is coddiwomple (a journey with no particular destination in mind) and swimble (a dip, as opposed to a swim!)

I do hope you feel inclined to return to Knots in the String, Speranza, it would be wonderful to talk again.

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So much to appreciate in this piece, Prue. Loved the flow of thought, the attention to detail, waves of experience moving in an out. Always ready to sample a new word, and 'sonder' is delicious as is Mike's Substack. Finally, thank you for sharing Chicken Scratch! What a delightful surprise. As a lifelong shell seeker, I share your love of discovery.

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Thanks so much, Elizabeth.

I would love to invent a new word - one with dimension and depth and that 'just right' quality. Sonder fits its purpose, I feel, a soft word that seems to whisper empathic curiosity...

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There is such beauty in this post, Prue - the lovely Elizabeth at Chicken Scratch has just sent me a link to it, and I'm so glad I did - the post is from before I subscribed to your Stack, so it's been great to catch up on it.

I know the word 'sonder' as part of 'sonderbar' in German, which means 'curious', 'different' or 'singular'. I absolutely LOVE the definition from 'The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows' - there is certainly a relationship in there, don't you think?

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Thank you so much for reading some of my past posts, Rebecca. I re-read it myself and remembered the exact day. It turned out that there was truth in some of my daydreamed meanderings. What do they say? Truth is stranger than fiction?

It also reminded me that I have not yet purchased the Dictionary of Lost Words. I'm off to the bookshop tomorrow to use up my Christmas gift voucher on Greenlights in hard back, so I shall use the rest for the Dictionary. XXXX

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And I meant the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows...

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