Very gentle music. I love the birdsong. And I adore the story. You were a feisty but loyal young thing, attributes that still apply. A lovely read. So glad that life is slowly getting back to normal. Sending heaps of hugs and best wishes.

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The music was such a nice find, Beth. It popped up under opals on Google. Who'd have thought?


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Jul 26Liked by prue batten

that was a great story, thanks for sharing it. My favourite bit was the bumping into him and sharing the story. what a delight. hope that doesn't make me sound too terrible. i wonder if you had of kept the rings would he have asked for them back?

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Thanks Kate. Doesn't make you terrible at all. Makes me feel better that you think the same as me!

I've got no doubt that he asked about the rings from an ego POV. He would have told himself that I still had feelings and that's why I kept them. As you can see by the story, he didn't know me very well...

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Oh my goodness I LOVE that story. And also that you got the chance to tell him what you did so many years later. I was impressed with you before, and this is just another a brilliant example of why.

And so happy to hear that your strength continues to grow. Here's to more of that!


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Oh Sabrina, I don't know - maybe I said too much. I often spout off when I should just be grace under fire. But like I said, I suspect he had the idea that if I'd kept the ring (s), it would mean that I still held a candle. His ego was very very big...

My strength improves - although this weekend I'm at a course and honestly, I'm wrecked tonight. Maybe I'm getting old...

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Jul 26Liked by prue batten

A sapphire is such an enduring choice and one of such brilliant blue eyes, it's a fine choice to hang on your neck! You're beautiful! High five on making announcement to the ex I flew overseas! I chuckled. Tried to decide on a few favorites, jade and cameos come to mind. My mother left me most of her turquoise from living in the SW. Oh and my birthstone, Peridot. And don't get me started on found rocks. Good to see ya sporting a sweet black skirt and tards, know that brings you such joy! 🙌💫💯🤗

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When I was in Italy on the fateful trip to Europe when I was 19, I watched cameos being carved. They're beautiful. I purchased a tiny cameo charm for my mother and I still have it. Have to say I rather like peridots!

Nice to be back in ballet gear, even if I can't quite get the range of movement yet. Anything's better than nothing!

Thank you for reading.

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Rawr! I love that you had the last laugh, Prue, scoundrel that he was. It seems you weren't intended to keep that particular combination of stones in ring form (more scoundrels!), but the pendant crafted from your mother's is splendid. As is that sweet bit of music at the end.

So, you went to Asia on your own? And to Rome? What a bold and brave soul you were, and are.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. It was quite an escape and I look at my husband and thank the stars every day for what Fate had in store for me.

Yes, I went to Asia alone as a 22 year old, as I went to Europe and Asia alone as a 19 year old. I think the world was a safer place in those days, and I made sure that every part of my itinerary was organised before I left Australia and I was very well looked after in Asia. TBH, I look at the world now and would NEVER do what I did then.

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And yet, there are youngsters who still do! Maybe it's something about the intrepidness of that age?

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I think when we're young we certainly believe we're infallible.

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What fun to read this story Prue! So sassy and satisfying. My dad will be honoured to have prompted this memory with his love of opals. And, my engagement ring is a sapphire with a diamond on either side too! I've just had it reset for our 25th anniversary - a refresh of sorts - and I love it now even more. We all need a refresh in life from time to time, just like your pendant. xo

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Thanks Lindsay.

And boy oh boy, do I agree with the refresh! Here's to seasonal change and good things to come!

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Jul 27Liked by prue batten

Good for you Prue, quite right too, he' was the one who cheated. Although it might not have seemed like it at the time he did you a favour as you met your beloved, and at 48 yars and counting it was fate <3 <3 I love sapphires too, my engagement ring is Sapphire and diamonds, and Jeff has bough me a couple of nice pieces, they only come out on high days and holidays when its special occasions. Glad to hear that you are slowly on the mend take care dear friend xxx <3

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Gosh, everyone's behind me and what I did! I thought some might say I had been a bit spiteful... I'm so glad they haven't said that.

Yes, 11 weeks tomorrow and getting there. The wound is still being packed though - awful slow at healing.

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I am so interested to hear more about Prue the Younger! The "take-that" conversation with your ex is out of this world excellent. In yet another eerie parallel, I too was about to get rid of every bit of jewelry my Starter Husband had given me - preferably by dramatically despatching over a bridge into a river - when my beautiful niece intervened and said to leave it with her. She put the lot into a zip lock bag and when she re-appeared a few days later she too had CASH for me, sorely needed at the time. Not enough for a gala trip like yours, but still, a feel-good moment for me!! These things are like ancient rites of passage aren't they and you cannot conceive them till they are upon you.

Delighted to see you shared this pledge as well - so affirming and such lovely people out there! xoxo

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Love that expression Starter Husband.

Maybe the chap in my revelation was Starter-Fiancee. He certainly taught me what I didn't want in a partner!

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Oh Prue, you tell such wonderful, wonderful stories! HA to the boyfriend! HURRAH for your trip to Asia!

Nine weeks since your op - and gosh, you've been working so hard on your recovery and pacing yourself beautifully while you've been getting back to enjoying the world around you. You're an inspiration!

I'm behind on my reading, and it's such a boost to have such lovely writing to come back to. Thank you.

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Thanks so much, Rebecca. I always live in fear folk will be bored witless!

It's now week twelve this Monday and I'm still bandaged but have finished with wound-packing. I hope to be discharged from Community Nursing next week and get clearance to get back in the water and then life will finally be mine for the taking!

I'm behind with my reading too - there's such good writing on Substack and I want to take it all in!

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