Apr 7, 2023Liked by prue batten

Happy Easter Prue, the Match box garden is looking lovely , we're hoping to get into ours over the weekend , its lovely to see the colour back in it xxx

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Thanks Libby! Enjoy Easter and spring!

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Your garden is gorgeous. Reinvention is crucial for a happy life especially when thrown a curveball. So sorry about the loss of your dad.

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Thank you so much. I wonder how much reinvention is subconscious and just happens as a matter of course.

Re Dad - it's now 23 years and he never got to see me published or writing for Substack, blogs and all manner of other things. He was the intellectual in our family and I hope he's watching from wherever now. He was quite an inspiration in many ways.

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He is definitely watching. ❤️

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What a delightful way to begin this Good Friday morning Prue. Thank you so much for the reminder that reinvention is actually an on going process. I’ve been a fairly strong proponent about the idea that “nothing lasts forever” and it’s important to remain flexible to change. I simply hadn’t equated that to being part of a reinvention so thank you again and happy Easter.

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Thank you, Marilyn.

True that nothing lasts forever but sometimes it's nice to think things might - so much that is creative is often immortal, after all. I can think of all my favourite books, music, art, ballets etc.

I also think we're morally bound as humans to make sure the world's natural resources are protected by us so that living things can be perpetuated. I'm a bit of a renegade on that count and will fight to protect land and sea.

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While there have been many reinventions throughout my 84 years of life, the most dramatic reinvention began after my husband's death. Everything changed from my identity to what time I got up in the morning and the process continues as I decide who and what I want to be now.

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Hello Janice - please accept my kindest wishes on the passing of your husband.

Yes, I agree. Loss seems to be the biggest catalyst for reinvention - especially if one has been in a divine partnership. I watch my friends and am in awe at their ability to move forward in a new iteration. Cheers and thank you for commenting. It's lifeblood to a writer.

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Another wonderful post, Prue - Happy Easter!

Gosh, you've made me think about my own reinventions, from the accomplished to the intended - as well as the ones of course that are waiting in the wings ready to blindside me. I really enjoy reading what you write about - such a joy. Thank you.

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Thanks for commenting, Rebecca. As I may already have commented to others, I wonder how many adjustments and reinventions we make subconsciously as we twist and turn in the washing machine of life.

Have to say the blindsides are a tad scary - one wants to cope with humility and calm but inside the soul, one just wants scream. TBH, I have been known to dive into the ocean and whilst underwater, scream a very loud swear word, so that when I come up for air, it's literal as much as practical and hopefully I am a little bit cleansed and can move on. PS: happy Easter.

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What a lovely post and thanks for linking to me. Reinvention can be a wonderful thing as we change and weave through life. The ballet sounds great! (As a fellow introvert I shuddered in empathy over the TV job.)

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Shona, I just mentioned to Rebecca (see comments) of diving under the water and swearing at times of difficulty. It's cathartic and helps one move onto the reinvention. I'm guessing you can see the value of that watery immensity where no one can hear you but fish! Thank you for commenting!

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I am definitely going to try that today, usually I just swear while I'm getting in! Haha.

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I love this, your words speak to me. I too think of all the reinventions so far...and the one I guess I'm currently in as I transition from being a home-educating mum and break back into the world, revealing more and more of myself (which also as an introvert has so far been an interesting ride!). Thank you for sharing your story and being so inspiring. I LOVE the ballet photo!

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Alice, I think one of the hardest reinventions was the post-mum one. I had essentially allowed motherhood to consume me, my choice, as I loved being there for the kids in the same way my mum was for me. So there was anxiety as I found myself. I thank the stars that I had never stopped writing, even in the child-caring days because it was where my future would lie.

As to the ballet - thank you. As I enter my senior years, I HAVE to say that Black Swans is perhaps one of the best reinventions of all time. We were a bit cheeky and used our version of the wonderful UK Silver Swans name...

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Yes, me too, Prue! I've always wanted to be there for my daughter but I have also always kept writing. Now I feel new avenues opening up and it's mostly exciting, as well as a little nerve-wracking at times. We'll see were life leads me in this next chapter.

You inspire me to take up ballet again one of these days!

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