Oct 20, 2023Liked by prue batten

Wow this has moved me in wonderful ways, almost as though you have stirred my long sleeping, possibly dead ability to feel anything other than numbness. Thank you. I too quite enjoyed lockdown, I’m in Tas too so really it was no hardship. I don’t speak of it much though as many were really harshly impacted. No rain here but the windy easterly is strong. Good luck for those of you in the predicted areas of much rain. I’m off to read the linked substack I’ve been journalling for so long about my need to break my rabbit hole addiction and tackle my to be read pile, not to mention getting back in touch with myself without all the shoulds and oughts that I input almost hourly these days, and only seem to leave me feeling worse about myself.

Anyway that was a debrief to say thank you for your lovely words here each week.

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Hi Kate. Thank you for such a perceptive comment.

'Shoulds and Oughts' - maybe there's a post there. The millstone around our necks.

We're in the southeast of Tas which is why Maria Island features so often. Here at the moment it's a light mizzle and I might just drift, like seacloud, from bed to couch to window seat. Read, write and laze. The Terrier is less than impressed with the lack of sun and activity.

I tell him I'll walk later, with an umbrella.

He grumps...

See you next week and keep journalling!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by prue batten

nw coast grey clouds and a strong easterly, your day sounds all kinds of wonderful, hope the terrier can find some chill while he waits his outdoor adventure.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by prue batten

We’re so lucky to live here in Australia. So blessed. Thanks for another wonderful read. Enjoy your downtime, your R&R. 🤗🤗😘🌼🌻

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We are, although I suspect there are First Nation people and immigrants who are finding the going very tough. To be honest, and I don't say this often, I'm nervous the way the world is heading with its Right Wing attitudes. Man certainly has learned nothing from history through the Ages.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by prue batten

I agree totally. Very scary. I just try to be the light I want to see in the world and hope that somehow I can remind people that there are caring alternatives. We are lucky to be our age, to have lived through more balanced times. Hugs dear Prue. 🤗🤗

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What a beautiful expression - '...be the light I want to see in the world.' Perfection. That's my little grandson - the light. Thanks, Beth for such a lovely comment.

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"I’m rapidly approaching the moment when I step off the merry-go-round. Say no, cancel, walk away. I do it every year about this time - saturated with busy-ness and craving no demands upon my time."

This spoke to me so deeply.

Always love to step into your life for a day or two. Enjoy quietly hunkering down beneath the rain.🧡🙏🍂

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Thank you so much, Alice.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by prue batten

What a Lovely post Prue, love the journal so pretty, I know what you mean about lockdown it did make you think about what is important in life, We did miss family and friends who lived further away though.

I hope that you get enough rain and it comes the right way and not cause any problems. Here in the UK there are many areas having lots of problems due to flooding, with more rain to come, We are fortunate that we are a decent distance from the rivers and our house is a couple of feet higher than the road, so although we can watch the rain run down the drive like a river, so far we are lucky, many less so.

We had been due to get work done on the roof this week, but the installers cancelled and changed the date so we were very lucky . Its been a dry morning so nipped into my garden shed and potted up some cuttings. More rain forcast. It must be heartbreaking for those people that have been flooded.

Its a horrible time in the world with what is happening and so much hatred I feel for all the innocents as they are always the ones that suffer, One can only hope that things will improve

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Thank you, Libby.

It is a difficult time indeed. I've just read a post by Buddhist practitioner, David Michie and he offers positive amelioration for just these awful times. https://davidmichie.substack.com/p/buddhist-advice-column-how-can-i?

I've also been reading about the rain and flooding in Northern Europe and thinking of friends in the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Northern Germany. Fingers very crossed for everyone.

Thus far here, the weather hasn't eventuated. 5 mls all up but seamists, howling winds and a vicious sea. Very muggy.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Liked by prue batten

Thank you Prue for that link, really good read and certainly makes sense xx

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Prue, this is such a beautiful post - a gift on a dark and rainy Saturday afternoon here 'up over'. I'm so excited for your book cover, and for your birthday - and the Terrier's! Happy, happy birthdays all round.

I've been reading too, and voraciously. Until 2019 I hadn't read for pleasure for years - literally years - and since then I've been so glad to have got back to daily reading, even if it's just a chapter. But the last couple of weeks I've been reading-crazy - I'm about to finish another book, I'm already partway through another, and just this week I have listened to three audiobooks. Maybe it's the change in the season, or the recent change in my medication, maybe both, but gosh, it's wonderful. 📚

I look forward to your posts - they're always waiting in my inbox early on a Saturday morning. I've kept this one to savour over a late-afternoon cuppa, and as always, it's delicious. Thank you. 😘

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Author

Oh thank you, Rebecca. As we emerge from a tough night (all three of us, Terrier included) and blink at the cloudless sky and the blazing sun, it's hard to believe that thunder and lightning crashed, the wind howled and the rain sheeted down - 35 mls in about two hours which is nothing given what goes in the Northern Europe climes just now. But it is greatly appreciated, I can tell you.

Despite that the doggo had to fed a valium at midnight- terrified of loud bangs!

As I sat beside him, trying to soothe him, I read Instagram and saw that dear Monty Don had lost darling Nell the day before and he wrote such an emotive piece that I sat there weeping with my dog in my lap and the skies splitting and hissing all around. Like I say a tough night but sunlight heals...

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Upon our return from recent travels, I slept 12 hours in one night. Haven't managed to do that in YEARS, but that tells you something about my level of exhaustion when my head hit the pillow that night. What a gift! As was this piece and its movement toward hunkering down, tucking in, and allowing space for a quieter pace. I love winter for that very reason!

I look forward to the book cover preview, Prue, and the book, too, of course. Your designer is inspiring, though anymore, I'm happy to look on from the sidelines when it comes to things like rock climbing. And, yes, I am very much attuned, right now, to my overall good fortune. That I can even consider quieting, or a warm beverage on a cool morning is of importance!

To you, yours, and another tour 'round the sun!

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Hello Elizabeth, such lovely comments. And I agree, I'll live vicariously through Jane as I get dizzy on a stepladder these days. She's climbed some monumental edifices around the UK and in Iceland. I'm better at sea level.

The state of the world certainly makes us realise how lucky we are, doesn't it? I count my blessings every day as I mindlessly whinge at each little niggle and pain in the age-ing body.

Take care and see you next week. XXX

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Like Rebecca, I love waking up to seeing your post waiting for me in my inbox on Saturday. I know it will be a balm to my soul and a gentle observational and inspirational read. What a brilliant way to ease into the weekend. Then we are usually off to take care of the weekend chores and visits to family needing care so it takes forever to get around to rereading and letting you know how much I appreciate your writing. I do so much, and thanks. Very much looking forward to the cover reveal and back story. Hope your post birthday week is a balm. xx

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What you have just said is so kind. It's why I write and is such an encouragement. To give something to people that they might enjoy! If they find anything beyond enjoyment, it's an absolute bonus.

The additional bonus for me is communicating with kindred spirits. It's fantastic at this stage in my life.

And yes, the birthday week was marvellous thank you. Despite that the Terrier and I could have done without the thunderstorms!


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I've only recently come to terms with thunderstorms and like you would prefer to live without them!

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by prue batten

That brought back a fabulous memory, of growing up in NZ. Our favourite activity was stone skipping, we used to marvel at how far you could make that stone travel. Another deep dive into the memory bank . Thank you

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A pleasure, Maree.

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