Aug 26, 2023Liked by prue batten

We're currently decorating... its been a while and nothing goes back, unless its been washed , polished or sorted, its taking a while to put things away, but its so worth it . We're doing the bedrooms next..... its going to take quite a while to sort out and put stuff back( or not ;) ) but my goodness its very therapeautic xx

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I love doing it, too, Libby. I think I like to feel I'm in control!

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I hate cleaning because however thorough I am, I always spot another but after I've packed everything away 🙄

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No matter how thorough I think I am, Terry (and I quite like cleaning - maybe I have a problem) I always find a smear, doggy paw marks or finger marks that I've missed. It's Murphy's Law.

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I like supermarket shopping, which is also strange, except that it allows me to think !

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Ah, I'll have to disagree there. I almost burst into tears when I walk through the door! TBH, I love the one night a week where they turn the lights down a little and play gentle music for those who suffer sensory issues. I don't but it makes shopping so much nicer. There's a message there, I'm sure.

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I avoid supermarkets like the plague...! Online grocery shopping and delivery was invented for people like me! 🤣

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Haven't done online yet. Waiting till I am frail which is probably next week after the spring clean!!!!

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I've been shopping online for groceries for years now - I've found it to be no more expensive and very much more convenient. And then when Covid hit, our regular deliveries were an absolute life-saver.

Pre-Covid I would sometimes pop into the supermarket to pick up fresh produce, but these days I use the Village Stores for that sort of thing if I need them. Oh, and I get farm eggs from them, too, because when I used to order THOSE online they'd be delivered pre-scrambled! 🤣

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You like cleaning - I love ironing! People think I'm bonkers! 🤣

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Oh ironing! I love ironing too! The look and feel of properly ironed clothes and household linen is perfection. And its perfect 'me' time with an audiobook!

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Yes! EXCELLENT listening time!

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by prue batten

Purge and deep clean twice a year. I love divesting and continuing to simplify my life. My dear friend and I were commenting this week that it's time to put away our "summer black" and get out our " autumn/winter black". And even though the temperatures are still in the 80s, I'm starting to think about thick delicious soups and crusty breads.

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Susan, I love that there are people who still stick to the old traditions of cleaning. My mum was my guide in all things cleaned and ironed, and I've never minded making the house smell and feel sparkly. I have had personal relationships with my dwellings over time and just as we never go out without our teeth brushed and hair combed, so my little dwellings deserve the same respect. They have comforted me, protected me, kept me warm in winter and cool in summer and sometimes, they've even dried my tears. I'll always cherish them and help them feel good by return. XXXX

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My housekeeping goals always exceed what I actually accomplish, but it passes for clean. I try to channel Erma Bombeck: “My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you?” If I'm honest, there's always a residue of guilt at not doing a better job. Ah, well.

Thanks for sharing in the joy of our Rosie, Prue. It's true - she's an inspiration! Good to know you're finding ways to channel all the angsty energy you've been holding. Om, dammit! 😅

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Ah, Elizabeth, I don't think Erma Bombeck and I would be kindred spirits.

I'm probably more like Marilla Cuthbert. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness… " Only I'd change Godliness to Goodliness because a clean house makes me feel good. I daresay I'd be wrapped over the knuckles by Marilla for being self-interested but at least it gets the job done happily.

The other thing is the fact that I have a rough-coated Jack Russell which sheds like a snowstorm. I owe it to the little house to remove the detritus as often as possible, as the sun shows up every single hair. I could weave a coat for myself with what the vaccuum cleaner sucks up! XXXX

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Pets take the need for cleaning to a whole new level! Make no mistake, a clean house makes me feel good, too. I just never manage to get mine as clean as my Puritan heritage thinks it ought to be - baseboards and window blinds, and such seldom seeing much action. The Puritan reference is, in fact, ironic considering the Puritans didn't keep themselves particularly clean and certainly didn't have the tools I have (like screens, for instance, and...what's the word you use?...hoovers). 🤣

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Prue, such a lovely post full - as always - of such considered food for thought as well as terrific words, pictures and inspiration.

The value of some good old domestic goddessry (I also use this term for males) is underestimated by many, but there's nothing like having a proper clear-out. Clearing the cobwebs - both real and metaphorical - is such a great thing!

Your hair's gorgeous! And I love that you're loving your ballet. Yay to shimmering! I'm working on my own Glitter List - I'll be sparkling along right beside you.

This line was BEAUTIFUL: "The lambs continue to drop as though someone has turned on a tap – a stream of bubbly white Lux flakes flowing across the paddocks." What a glorious image to picture!

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Thank you, Rebecca.

There's a lot to be said for sparkling. Will you do a post on your Glitter List? Please?

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Oooooh, it's a work in progress for now - but yes, why not?! 😊

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Thanks so much for the mention Prue, it’s funny how pervasive the seasons are in our lives x

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Your cake was demolished in one session, Sally and the muffins will, I suspect be de rigeur on both land and sea outings!

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Lol. Is you have me hunting the fruit bowl for mandarins and craving cake x

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I started spring cleaning yesterday..... and got as far as the windows.... then I stopped, they are sparkling.

Its going to be a slow, month long spring clean, Ive decided these things take time :)

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