Congratulations on the re-issue and beautiful new cover of your book...such great success!

My 4 year-old granddaughter is also smart as a whip! I can't wait until I buy her first journal to record all the many, many things that course through that busy little mind.

Also, your cross-stitch is enviable...is it hard to learn?

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Firstly thank you for your pledge! I'm so honoured, honestly. I mostly think that no one would pay for my weekly scrawl. So thank you for the vote of confidence! It's done wonders for driving me forward to turn up every week.

Secondly - cross-stitch. Sigh...

Numbers are not my strong point, so that's Point One against it. Then, when I'm counting threads over which to stitch, I find my sight blurs, waivers, clears and then blurs again. And that's with clip-on magnifiers over my readers. It's like my mind is saying 'This is sooooo boring. Let's get creative!'

I have NEVER have sight issues with any other sort of embroidery. Not even stumpwork.

But I'm not letting this little sucker beat me! Stay tuned...

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Your posts are well written, calming, and always enjoyable. I know there are others who feel the same way.

Haha...Numbers aren't my strong suit and I suffer dry eyes (which causes excess watering.) I better stick to writing!

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Writing is like breathing. YES.

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