Sending ALL good wishes and thoughts. ❤️

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Thank you, Alice.

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I like this lots, best of luck.

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Cheers, Peter.

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May 17Liked by prue batten

Random, but my thoughts were lead to the children’s book We’re Going On A Bear Hunt, you just have to go through it.

I wish you a speedy and easy recovery with many many more swims to come.

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Maybe not so random and maybe that can be one of my mantras! Thank you, Kate.

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May 17Liked by prue batten

I wish you the best for your upcoming procedure.

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Thanks so much, Olga.

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My thoughts are with you and I am wishing you the best in every way.

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Thank you, Janice.

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Oh Prue, I'm thinking of you and sending so much love!

Your swim sounded tinglingly fabulous - brrrrrrr and hurrah in equal measure. I love that you're looking forward to your next one - that's an excellent post-op goal.

I'm so glad to have read your words this morning. Wishing you calm and clarity and love for Monday. You've got this. ❤️

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Thank you, so much Rebecca.

Re the swim, you know I was so proud swimming as the water cools. The temp is about 13. But then today, I received a letter from a friend in Sweden and she says they are swimming in their lake which is 7 degrees. SEVEN!!!!!!! Oh my stars!

That's bravery!

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7 degrees - goodness me - I wouldn't dare! But then again, *I* wouldn't step into 13-degree water! I'm still deeply impressed that you swam in it! 🙌

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Prue, this was so lovely to read. I hope it brought you some bit of solace to write. The descriptions are lovely and calm, I think infused with your measured breathing. You’ve done all you can. Now the harder part: turning your fate over to others. Just keep breathing and floating through the waves that will carry you to recovery. All of us will be here holding space for your safe return. ❤️🛟🌴🌅

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Now the harder part: turning your fate over to others. <-- And we will be sending attention there, that clarity and precision appear in equal measure to care and compassion.

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May 18Liked by prue batten

Wishing you all the best, and hoping for a speedy recovery so you can swim and get back to normal quickly.

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Thanks, Caro.

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May 18Liked by prue batten

As I was being wheeled into surgery for my first mastectomy, my daughter played Over the Rainbow by Israel which eased my anxiety. Breathe. You are cocooned with folks all over the world who care deeply.

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Susan, seeing the responses here has been so uplifting and strengthening. It can only be for the good and I am so very grateful to you and to everyone. I think if anything was played for me, it would have to be Kinobe's Slip into Something More Comfortable. Which can mean many things...

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I say it again, if you are not brave I don't know who is! I think that your swimming is actually a metaphor for your courage - and just as you prep for that with your neoprene wetsuit, firmly issuing a pep talk to yourself so too, you've readied yourself and done all the prep work you can for Monday before the plunge. (I loved hearing about what was in your hospital bag - wish I'd thought to send you a Rupert annual!) Keep your eye firmly on the better days ahead.

So many will be thinking of you on Monday sending love and support. Especially me.

Many hugs, Prue xo

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Oooooh, a Rupert Annual. Sigh...

The analogy of the wetsuit is perfection. You have no idea how I'm chalking up all these suggestions from everyone to bolster my flagging spine.


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May 18Liked by prue batten

Jumping into a sea is not new as written in you tackling the cold sea water, properly suited up. Seems to me you've left no stone unturned in your planning. Bravery is the challenge! I don't think many are not scared, releasing the unknown in one's mind is the challenge. Concentrate on an unfailing outcome, the healing strength that will recharge your life. I might have a positive mantra or two, even a pageful ready to recite. I see the blackbird stitched, you too will soar right through this. 🕊️🕊️🕊️💞

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That's what I need, CJ. A good talking to, inspiring advice.

It's true - it always comes back to what we take note of in our thoughts. That's where meditation comes in handy. It gives a mental reprieve, unconscious time to regird ready for whatever comes our way.

As it happens, I do have a little mantra and more particularly a visual image. Thank you for reminding me...

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May 18Liked by prue batten

All good wishes for success & healing! ❤️‍🩹

Which are made all the more possible because you’re in tip-top shape (with the swimming, ballet, and other physical challenges you regularly engage in.)

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Here's hoping. Thanks for your kind wishes.

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Sending my best wishes for everything to go well and lots of love and energy to cope ❤️❤️

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Bravery isn't the absence of fear, Prue. It's being afraid and doing something anyway. I hope, while your body is having such a big adventure, your mind gets to spend time floating in a supportive sea, soaking in sun with no ill-effects, and noshing on the delicious picnic fare you have packed so many times before. May your spunk ignite delight in your care providers, may your hands be steady for stitching, and may you be home to recover and relish the comfort of familiar surroundings in no time. All the best!

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I'll be thinking about you Prue, and I'll have my hand on your left shoulder virtually reassuring you, I wish for you to have a steady and uneventful recovery, and sending you much love and gentle hugs xx I think you re very brave for swimming in the sea, and can imagine it helps clear the mind xxx

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Much love Prue and good wishes of strong energy for your recovery xx

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Thank you, Sally.

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