You had me at Colin Firth dripping wet. That was my introduction to Mr. Firth and it’s been love/lust ever since. But what a rollicking adventure! I kept reading, thinking ‘Wow!’ ‘Wow!’ ‘Wow!’ 😲😲😲

What talent! What creativity! What FUN!

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I just commented about the 1995 Pride and Prejudice limited series on Rebecca Holdens recent essay. What a coincidence.

Yes, Mr D’arcy wins the wet ruffled shirt contest.

You were ahead of your time with the online costume party. Who knew there would be office Xmas parties all over the world in 2021?

Those virtual friendships are special. ❤️🙏

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by prue batten

Extraordinary. Yes, if we just jump, the universe catches us. But there was an awful lot of work behind the scenes to make it happen. You were amazing being happy to be the one who got involved in the wee hours of the morning! And your hubby of course. Congratulations. What a wild ride.

And I thoroughly enjoyed the clip at the end. Heath was such a treasure. So sad to lose him so early.

Hugs and best wishes dear Prue. Have a lovely weekend. 🤗🤗😘🌼🌻

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Good lord. What a delightful account!

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Okay, gosh.

First, you're the second of my Substack regular reads to invoke the pond scene from Pride and Prejudice this week. Not sure what message is hidden there for me, but going off recent events, it surely relates to the ability to communicate with clarity.

Second, YOU HAVE A LONGTIME FRIEND IN MARYLAND??! When are you coming for a visit?! I am just 90 minutes from Hyattsville.

Last, I have a tiny collection of Maurice Sendak books that I adore, and back in my art student days, I loved creating tiny etchings on tiny zinc plates and turning them into miniature triptychs.

The synchronicity just keeps unfolding. 😌

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by prue batten

Fabulous scene with Colin Firth, I loved it. The clip from a Knight's Tale made me smile, I'd forgotten that scene. Such fun to watch. Rufus Swell even when scowling is so easy on the eyes. Thanks Prue for brightening up my morning xx 😘❤💕 your Ball sounded like fun but I bet it was hard work x

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What a glorious adventure. Loving the friendship and the fabulously eccentric spirit of all this. Aspire time.

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PRUE!!!!! This post was SUCH a treat - it felt it was meant just for me! What an incredible ride - and your participants in Pride & Prejudice prime (not crime!) sounded absolutely wonderful, too!

I've just got in from a rare evening out but couldn't let today become tomorrow without commenting. I'd read your post at breakfast time this morning but wasn't near a keyboard to be able to reply (I struggle on a phone keypad, and wait until I'm on the computer), but you'll be VERY PLEASED to know that on the strength of this glorious read this morning I put my P&P audiobook on hold (chapter 47 out of 61; Elizabeth and the Gardners are on a rescue mission) to watch episode 1 of Colin Firthjudice on BBC iPlayer while I tackled the ironing.

And golly gosh, it is FABULOUS! Thank you for inspiring me to dive in again - just like Mr Darcy! 🤣

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What a wonderful event! So happy to read about it and spend a few moments in your enchanted ball! It is always amazing to look back on things we did when we were engrossed with like-minded people. I am so impressed with all your creativity and imagination!

Conversely, I am reluctant to admit I have never seen that version of P and P, even though like so many I will happily watch Colin Firth in anything! On my list now...And thanks for sharing the clip of wonderful Heath.

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I so love the way you write Prue!! x

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